The Father is Yahweh after whom his family is named (Ephesians 3:15 and Exodus 3:15). At this time the family of Yahweh consists of the Father and the Son (Genesis 3:22 and 19:24, Colossians 1:2, first Thessalonians 1:1). The Father has not been seen or heard, except by his Son. However, the Son also is a reflection of the Father (John 5:37, John 1:1-5, John 14:9 and first Corinthians 10:4). Yahweh is in the process of expanding his family through his human creation by the invisible power of holy spirit (John 14:26, John 15:26, John 16:13-15) Also see these excellent articles by Bob Bondurant posted on our website, “The bread, the body, and the first fruits” from 12/4/18, and “The name of Yahweh Shua” from 1/25/18.
Bob Bondurant
The Son’s human name is Yahshua. This name was blotted out after he died in our sins. (Deuteronomy 29:20). Our Creator “hath redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree” (Galatians 3:13). “Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance [by his physical death] obtained a more excellent name then they.” (Hebrews 1:4) The son was exalted or resurrected by the name of the father Yahweh (Psalms 89:24). The scriptures clearly note that Yahweh’s name alone is excellent. (Psalms 148:13). Also, see the article by Bob Bondurant, posted on 12/30/18 titled “First Fruits cannot be Torah observant.”
There are those being called now for the better resurrection when the Messiah returns at the seventh trump (first Thessalonians 4:16). Those that fully overcome will be resurrected into spiritual bodies when the Messiah returns. (Revelation 20:4 and Revelation 14:1.) The Father calls many during this age (John 6:44 and John 6:65) and the Son chooses the 144,000 saints to be resurrected into spiritual bodies (John 15:16).
Those who overcome in the first hundred years of the last great day will be part of the innumerable multitude and in the family as well, whereas, those who never overcome nonetheless receive the free gift of life and will live outside of the kingdom. Revelation 21:8 shows that sinners are placed in the lake of fire. However, we see the same people living outside the kingdom forever (Revelation 22:15). All of creation will receive the free gift of life! Romans 5:8 and 5:10 show that while sinners will be reconciled, no repentance is required. All his creation will be corrected whether they be in heaven i.e., the angels, or the fallen angels (Colossians 1:16). Please see Bob Bondurant’s article “Yahshua Reconciles; Yahweh Shua saves” dated 6/24/18.
The first resurrection is for the 144,000 first fruits or saints (1 Corinthians 15:52-55). For one to qualify and have the opportunity to overcome into the better resurrection (Revelation 20:6 and Hebrews 11:35) one must repent, be baptized in the name of Yahweh Shua and have hands laid upon them by an elder in Yahweh Shua (Acts 2:38, Acts 8:17-18, Acts 19:5-6.) Baptism is now the circumcision made without hands (Colossians 2:11-12.) Also see these articles by Bob Bondurant “Repent and be Baptized Everyone of You in the name of Yahweh Shua” from January 31, 2018 and “Firstfruits are sealed through baptism”, from 3/14/19 on this website.
Overcoming is obedience to Yahweh Shua and overcoming the adversary which allows the growth of Messiah in you (Galatians 4:19.) We pray to the Father Yahweh and submit all things to the Father Yahweh in the name of his resurrected Son, our Creator, Yahweh Shua (John 14:14.) Please see the article by Bob Bondurant posted on 11/10/18, “Should You Be In Yahweh Shua?” on this website.
The Messiah’s growth in us allows us to walk in the footsteps of the Messiah. We keep the seventh day Sabbath, that was blessed before any other commandments were given (Genesis 2:3.) We keep the food laws as delineated in Leviticus 11. The Messiah being formed in us allows us to follow the doctrine of the Messiah (Hebrews 6:1-2) by leaving the old covenant behind and living under the new or better covenant. Also see the excellent articles by Bob Bondurant, “The New Covenant Feasts of Yahweh,” August 25, 2018 and “The New Covenant Passover Versus the Jews Passover” from April 13, 2019, as well as “Only the new covenant is for the firstfruits” from 7/27/18.
There are no perfect Bible translations. We use the King James Version of the bible along with the Strong’s concordance. There are many problems with many words translated from the Hebrew and the Greek such as Lord, God, hell, church, sheol, cross, and Jesus. As an example, Paul in 2 Corinthians 6:2 was mistranslated and confused the message by saying today is “the day of salvation.” However, Isaiah 49:8 correctly states it as “a day of salvation have I helped thee”. Thus, today is a day of salvation for the 144,000 and for those who overcome in the first hundred years of the last great day. See the articles by Bob Bondurant, “Revelations You Should Know” from 1/30/18, and “This Age is the Only Day of Salvation for the Firstfruits” 5/31/19.
There is strength in the body of Messiah or the assembly. The first fruits assemble on the Sabbath with brethren of like faith either in person, by phone, or by other electronic means (Hebrews 10:25.) The body prays for each other, encourages each other, and takes their relationship with each other very seriously. We believe that the Messiah is being formed within each of us as we overcome (Galatians 4:19 and Revelation 1, 2, and 3.) We realize the 10 commandments have been magnified in the new covenant, as our Creator says. Anger towards a brother is now equivalent to killing (Matthew 5:21-22) and lust towards a married woman is equivalent to adultery, as noted in Matthew 5:28. How we respond to a fellow first fruit is a response to Messiah who is being formed within each of us (Matthew 25:45.) Please see the article by Bob Bondurant “The Significance of Love in the New Covenant” from 8/29/16.
The goal of a first fruit is to overcome so that the Messiah will be fully formed in us when our physical life has ended. That will enable us to be in the better resurrection at the seventh trump when the Messiah returns. It is only the Messiah in us that provides a chance of keeping his magnified 10 commandments. If we are chosen, we will be like Messiah and we shall be with him in the new heaven and earth forever. (1 John 3:2 and Revelation 14:4.) Also see the article by Bob Bondurant “What Must You Do to Have Eternal Life” posted on 1/4/19.
We believe it is best to seek close fellowship with brethren who are baptized in the name of Yahweh Shua. If you are called and baptized while still single do not become unequally yoked (2 Corinthians 6:14). If you are married when baptized, refer to Paul’s excellent guidance in 1 Corinthians 7:8-16. Seek peace and pursue it (Psalms 34:14).
Pray to Father Yahweh in the name of his resurrected Son, Yahweh Shua, for truth and wisdom. We suggest reading all the articles on our website under the News section starting with the oldest. If you feel drawn to these teachings, then seriously consider being baptized. May Yahweh and Yahweh Shua bless your endeavor.